Bach Flower Remedies that can help support high sensitivity:
Mimulus – Eases sensitivity to specific fears and worries, helping highly sensitive individuals feel more at ease in daily life.
Aspen – Calms vague fears and anxious feelings that sensitive people may pick up from their surroundings, promoting inner peace.
Walnut – Provides protection from external influences, helping sensitive individuals maintain their balance during life changes or when affected by others' emotions.
Centaury – Supports those who have difficulty asserting themselves and are overly sensitive to the needs and demands of others, fostering inner strength.
Holly – Assists with feelings of irritation or jealousy that may arise when sensitivity leads to misinterpreting others’ intentions, promoting compassion.
Beech – Helps sensitive people become more tolerant and less critical when they feel overstimulated or overwhelmed by others’ behaviors.
Impatiens – Calms irritability and impatience often felt by highly sensitive people, allowing them to slow down and manage their emotions.
Heather – Helps those who feel overly affected by being alone or misunderstood due to their sensitivity, promoting self-reliance and emotional balance.
Rock Rose – Provides courage and calm during times when extreme sensitivity triggers feelings of panic or terror.