To enhance grounding and balance, especially during times of change, the following Bach Flower Remedies can be beneficial:
Walnut: Assists during life changes and upheaval, providing grounding and protection from outside influences.
Cerato: Encourages trust in one's own intuition and decision-making abilities.
Scleranthus: Aids in achieving balance and resolving indecisiveness, promoting inner stability.
White Chestnut: Helps quiet the mind, reducing persistent, unwanted thoughts to achieve inner peace.
Agrimony: Fosters inner peace by addressing hidden worries and promoting emotional honesty.
Clematis: Grounds individuals who are dreamy or inattentive, enhancing presence and engagement with the present moment.
Mustard: Alleviates unexplained sadness or gloom, restoring inner stability and joy.
Elm: Supports those feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, helping to regain balance and composure.
Hornbeam: Energizes individuals who feel mentally weary, providing the necessary push to face daily tasks with renewed vigour.