Addressing emotional factors that may contribute to weight management challenges can be supported with specific Bach Flower Remedies. Here are nine remedies that may be beneficial:
Agrimony: For individuals who hide their worries behind a cheerful facade and may turn to comfort eating to cope with inner turmoil.
Chestnut Bud: For those who repeat the same mistakes, such as yo-yo dieting, without learning from past experiences.
Gentian: For feelings of discouragement after a setback in weight loss efforts, helping to regain a positive outlook.
Impatiens: For individuals who lose patience when they don't see immediate results, aiding in developing patience with the weight loss process.
Crab Apple: For those who feel unclean or dissatisfied with their body, assisting in self-acceptance and body positivity.
Cherry Plum: For individuals who fear losing control over their eating habits, helping to maintain composure and prevent binge eating.
Cerato: For those who lack confidence in their own judgment regarding diet choices, often seeking advice from others.
Centaury: For individuals who find it difficult to say no, such as refusing food at social events, leading to overeating.
Hornbeam: For those who lack motivation and procrastinate starting a weight loss regimen, providing the necessary push to begin.
Addressing emotional factors that may contribute to weight management challenges can be supported with specific Bach Flower Remedies. Here are nine remedies that may be beneficial:
Agrimony: For individuals who hide their worries behind a cheerful facade and may turn to comfort eating to cope with inner turmoil.
Chestnut Bud: For those who repeat the same mistakes, such as yo-yo dieting, without learning from past experiences.
Gentian: For feelings of discouragement after a setback in weight loss efforts, helping to regain a positive outlook.
Impatiens: For individuals who lose patience when they don't see immediate results, aiding in developing patience with the weight loss process.
Crab Apple: For those who feel unclean or dissatisfied with their body, assisting in self-acceptance and body positivity.
Cherry Plum: For individuals who fear losing control over their eating habits, helping to maintain composure and prevent binge eating.
Cerato: For those who lack confidence in their own judgment regarding diet choices, often seeking advice from others.
Centaury: For individuals who find it difficult to say no, such as refusing food at social events, leading to overeating.
Hornbeam: For those who lack motivation and procrastinate starting a weight loss regimen, providing the necessary push to begin.
Spring Water
Bach Flower Remedies (custom-selected)
Preservative: Organic Brandy (original Dr. Bach formulation) or Glycerine (alcohol-free option)
Product Details:
Size: 30ml
Crafted in the UK by an experienced & qualified Bach Flower Practitioner
Natural, Vegan, Dairy-Free, and Gluten-Free
All personalised remedies are made in the UK by an experienced Bach Flower Practitioner
Natural. Vegan. Dairy Free. Gluten Free.
How to choose your remedies
You can select up to 7 Flower Remedies per bottle. It's advisable to choose remedies that resonate with your current emotional state, focusing on the most relevant remedies may enhance effectiveness. Selecting additional or unnecessary Flower Remedies will not cause any negative side effects.
Directions for Use
To experience the benefits of Bach Flower Remedies, take a minimum of 4 drops, 4 times daily, either directly on or under your tongue. Alternatively, you can add the drops to water, which may be more suitable for babies and children. When administering directly into the mouth, ensure the dropper does not touch your mouth to maintain hygiene. If necessary, you can take the remedies more frequently, as there is no risk of overdose with flower remedies. It's advisable to use only one treatment bottle at a time, as combining more than seven remedies may reduce their effectiveness.